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Our world

About us

Professional jewelers, the members of the CALVETTI family, are looking for unique, authentic and rich histories jewelry for you. Our company, under Luxembourg law, has been active in the gold business since 1999. Rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, pendants and brooches make up all the ranges of our vintage selection made up of more than 300 pieces. Exceptional products from Europe.

The desire of our website,, is above all to share with you our favorites in terms of vintage and European jewelry. Unique opportunities in second-hand jewelry.


Our collection has been built up over the years and is extremely varied in order to offer you a wide choice of second hand jewelry according to the different periods (art deco, contemporary, retro, mind century...) and according to the European country of origin (France, Italy,...).

We have an exceptional range of vintage jewelry that is steeped in the history of their country.

All our team selects and tests by hand all our vintage jewelry. From gold to precious stones. This ensures their quality, authenticity and value. EVJ offers unique jewelry. Each piece is carefully inspected during our cataloging process to ensure it is in the best possible condition for another lifetime of wear. We uphold strict quality standards so that you can wear and cherish your jewelry for many years to come.

Our goal is to give new life to the jewels of the past.